Tuesday, April 04, 2006

No news I guess.... We're doomed!

Republished w/o asking..... /Wolfy

Mobiles to blame for all sorts of hang-ups, research finds

By Jade BilowolApril 4, 2006

Some people are so addicted to mobile phones that they are suffering anxiety and self-esteem problems akin to substance abuse, a researcher says.
A Brisbane-based consumer behaviour researcher, Diana James, said yesterday Australia's 19 million mobiles had become a "huge part" of people's social lives.
Users were experiencing personal problems ranging from agitation if forced to turn them off, to low self-esteem if they did not get calls or texts.
"Like substance abuse, excessive use of mobile phones can lead to personal problems," said Ms James, of the Queensland University of Technology's school of advertising, marketing and public relations.
"Because they can provide immediate pleasure, if you're not careful mobile phones can become as much of an addiction as snacking on junk food or smoking.
"Without their phone, people feel like they are out of the loop."
Preliminary research among 80 Queensland residents from different backgrounds, aged between 17 and 52, had found some were obsessed with their phones, becoming on edge if parted from them, she said.
"Some suffered withdrawal symptoms if they didn't receive calls or text messages, which could lead to anxiety and self-esteem problems," Ms James said.
"In some cases, some said they suffered sleep deprivation and even repetitive strain injury as they lay awake at night texting on their mobile." While she had conducted focus groups of university students, some "panicked" when asked to turn their phone off during discussion.
"They were afraid," she said. "They were quite agitated and were relieved when the session was over and they could turn their phone back on and check for messages.
Ms James said she hoped to attract 2000 participants to her online survey at www.mobile survey.com.au by May 31 to further analyse the "emotional, psychological, financial and social impact" of skyrocketing mobile phone use around Australia.
Tell-tale signs of mobile phone addiction included irrational reactions when away from a mobile phone, as well as huge bills, Ms James said.

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